PUSH hears vet speak truth
At the monthly PUSH (People United to Stop Homelessness) meeting on Tuesday, he sat before us, quietly telling a story about war, dedicated young men and women, and what it was really like upon their return from combat. I stared at his delicate features, soft curling brown hair and graceful musician-like hands, trying to imagine a shaved head, a voice loud with orders and those hands holding a rifle.
He told us he was one of the oldest in his unit at age 19 and how the rigors of military service contribute to addiction and mental health issues. He told us that statistically, he was at greater risk for homelessness and failure.
He said the VA tries not to hand out Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnoses and that soldiers are reluctant to admit to problems. Soldiers diagnosed with PTSD get referred to a chaplain, then undergo six months of separation from family and friends to receive drugs and counseling. Upon discharge, these vets see a 20 -minute presentation on applying for benefits. There are many requirements to be met to receive benefits and many young vets don't even bother, trying to make it on their own.
If a vet finally qualifies for medical benefits after a six to twelve month processing wait, visits to psychiatrists are then scheduled on a monthly basis. Soldiers are not permitted to discuss killing of civilians during sessions. He was issued four different psychotropic drugs including Paxil and Neurontin with instructions to mix as needed for relief. Most of these drugs are proven to be contraindicated for suicidal feelings. News reports documented over 6,000 veteran suicides in 2005 alone across all services and conflicts. He estimates 90% of our young veterans are suffering from PTSD. The mission- "to break the will of the enemy to resist" is unclear in a theatre where the "enemy" is not wearing a uniform.
He told us of a program in Duval County that tries to give work to vets, picking up trash. Our veterans, picking up trash. His organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), is currently working with 20 homeless veterans in Jacksonville. They do not want charity. Upon discharge, with the VA under funded and understaffed, these vets say they feel disposable and unwanted. His friend, a sergeant in the US Army, has had her child removed from her custody due to her deployment. The daughter now lives with her grandmother in a hotel with no running water and is technically homeless.
But most amazing of all, he told us he is better off than so many other returning vets. He wisely sees a broader problem of basic inhumanity. He is convinced that solutions will only come from us, the people, and not the government. He challenged us to ask ourselves why we avoid homeless people and why we are silent instead of loudly and vocally outraged.
Eyes brimming with held back tears, he returned to his seat while we examined our lives.
The IVAW Winter Soldier Project takes place in Washington DC March 13 through March 16. Returning soldiers testify to their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. This action will require these young veterans once again to summon their amazing courage and integrity to revisit their nightmares in the interest of truth for their country. Look for articles and reports on these hearings. Go to: http://ivaw.org/wintersoldier
Examine your life.
He told us he was one of the oldest in his unit at age 19 and how the rigors of military service contribute to addiction and mental health issues. He told us that statistically, he was at greater risk for homelessness and failure.
He said the VA tries not to hand out Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnoses and that soldiers are reluctant to admit to problems. Soldiers diagnosed with PTSD get referred to a chaplain, then undergo six months of separation from family and friends to receive drugs and counseling. Upon discharge, these vets see a 20 -minute presentation on applying for benefits. There are many requirements to be met to receive benefits and many young vets don't even bother, trying to make it on their own.
If a vet finally qualifies for medical benefits after a six to twelve month processing wait, visits to psychiatrists are then scheduled on a monthly basis. Soldiers are not permitted to discuss killing of civilians during sessions. He was issued four different psychotropic drugs including Paxil and Neurontin with instructions to mix as needed for relief. Most of these drugs are proven to be contraindicated for suicidal feelings. News reports documented over 6,000 veteran suicides in 2005 alone across all services and conflicts. He estimates 90% of our young veterans are suffering from PTSD. The mission- "to break the will of the enemy to resist" is unclear in a theatre where the "enemy" is not wearing a uniform.
He told us of a program in Duval County that tries to give work to vets, picking up trash. Our veterans, picking up trash. His organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), is currently working with 20 homeless veterans in Jacksonville. They do not want charity. Upon discharge, with the VA under funded and understaffed, these vets say they feel disposable and unwanted. His friend, a sergeant in the US Army, has had her child removed from her custody due to her deployment. The daughter now lives with her grandmother in a hotel with no running water and is technically homeless.
But most amazing of all, he told us he is better off than so many other returning vets. He wisely sees a broader problem of basic inhumanity. He is convinced that solutions will only come from us, the people, and not the government. He challenged us to ask ourselves why we avoid homeless people and why we are silent instead of loudly and vocally outraged.
Eyes brimming with held back tears, he returned to his seat while we examined our lives.
The IVAW Winter Soldier Project takes place in Washington DC March 13 through March 16. Returning soldiers testify to their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan. This action will require these young veterans once again to summon their amazing courage and integrity to revisit their nightmares in the interest of truth for their country. Look for articles and reports on these hearings. Go to: http://ivaw.org/wintersoldier
Examine your life.
Labels: homelessness, veterans, winter soldier
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