Wednesday, July 09, 2008

St Augustine exercises First Amendment rights since 2003

OK, so we take some verbal abuse from time to time, especially now that it's obvious to all but the truly stupid that we were lied into "war", it really was about OIL (see: Alan Greenspan and others), and Iraq had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.
We still show up, First Friday of the month from 4-6PM, third Saturday of the month from 10AM-Noon.
It's not a huge crowd but it's always a peaceful constant reminder that there are people in this community who know the importance of keeping this in the public's eye. We can do other things and we will but we will NEVER stop the demonstrations until these illegal occupations end and the war criminals who are responsible are brought to justice.
IMPEACH INDICT CONVICT AND IMPRISON. Those who did this to our country are not patriots, they are TRAITORS.

There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid.


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