The true measure of a community is not the median income. It’s not the crime rate or the value of its real estate. The true measure of a community is how it treats its most vulnerable members.
Monday night’s attack on three defenseless homeless men under a bridge in
The boys are solely responsible for their actions. However, these attacks were incubated in a countywide culture of disinterest and yes, cruelty. The mayor’s reluctant efforts and the truly absurd dream of a timely 10 million dollar homeless facility are calculated political window dressing. Worse, our county board of commissioners doesn’t even bother talking about it at all.
In the three years I have lived here, I have witnessed a young homeless veteran commit suicide on a railroad track, vigilante raids on homeless camps to terrorize and destroy property, and multiple sad, lonely deaths alongside roadways and in retaining ponds.
So, much hand wringing will take place over these three kids and their violent behavior. But where will the hand wringing be over the dismissive and arrogant officials who represent the culture that allows this senseless cruelty to thrive?
I could not find the statement about Carl Grove. He was not homeless and had been in a car accident and taken to Flagler Hospital with head injuries, kidney damage and liver damage. He was found by the road a few hours later and the way he ended up there was not investigated. His death shows how bad the situation is for any of us when the police gave that misleading statement to the Record. The editor was told almost imediately the truth, but chose instead to close off comments on the internet.
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