Likely unknown to most northern Floridians, the Homestead
Detention Center for Children has been operating since March 2018 in our state,
to our shame. There are currently more than 2000 minor children detained there
with plans to expand to 3200 this month. These kids are 13-17 years old; about
75% male and 25% female. It is operated under the federal department of Health
and Human Services and is not only the largest child detention facility in the
country, it is the only for profit center and the only shelter deemed
“temporary”, thus avoiding the 20 day Flores amendment restriction. It’s also
unique in that it sits on federal land and is not required to meet Florida
state standards and licensing. DC Capital is the private, for profit company
running this facility. Their board is stacked with former top military and
intelligence officials, most with ties to NSA, CIA and DOD. Why is this
important? While other child detention centers in the US charge $256/day/child,
Homestead Detention center charges $750/day/child. With the imminent expansion,
the daily cost to taxpayers (directly into pockets of shareholders) will rise
to approximately $2.5 million a DAY.
For over 70 days, small groups have been showing up in
Homestead and bearing witness. They climb on ladders when the kids are let
outside and raise signs in English and Spanish to let them know we’re there.
Groups have held up big red hearts and sing to the kids. The kids respond with
smiles, waves and make heart signs with their hands. Over Easter weekend,
members of Indivisible Clay and Indivisible Flagler bore witness and connected
with the other various groups who’ve been there all this time. The Miami Herald
and the Sun Sentinel seem to be following this disaster, but it hasn’t yet risen
to state let alone national attention.
What can we do? Take 3 days and go there to witness. Visit
the Facebook page: Witness: Tornillo Target: Homestead. There are resources to
help you get there and a GoFundMe page to help those who cannot afford housing
once there. It’s a tight organized group that will even help with
transportation from Miami and Ft Lauderdale airports. More and more groups are
signing on and showing up. Write to Senators Scott and Rubio and demand this
facility be shut down, not expanded. Talk about this to your neighbors and
friends. If you’re not enraged over the immorality of jailing children, then consider
the enormous transfer of tax payer dollars upwards to DC Capital and its
shareholders. Whatever motivates you, act.
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