Doing Justice: a game changer book
I've been listening to Preet Bahrara's podcast for a long time. I'm so taken with his calm voice, measured approach and clear language in explaining our justice system. You might remember that after the 2016 election, he was personally asked by tRump to stay on as US Attorney for the eminent SDNY we're all hearing about, only to be fired weeks later. Preet has turned his experience and leadership skills into educating Americans about our judicial system. This podcast: Stay Tuned with Preet, is free: I became so hooked I subscribed to his pay podcast with Anne Milgram, called Cafe Insider. So naturally, when his book came out I had to get it in print form, to hold it in my hands, make notes and be able to loan it to friends.
When I do hold this book in my hands in a quiet house with my animals dozing on or next to me, I find myself somehow becoming a better thinker. Preet uses examples of past cases he's prosecuted to explain investigations, charging decisions, wrongful convictions and his personal challenges in leading such a high profile office of talented people. His humility and self awareness are not just endearing, they're life lessons. There are no convoluted legal arguments to drag you down. You get the brilliance and rationale (and the weaknesses) underlying our legal system through his conversational story telling approach.
People who know me know I'm always recommending books. This one is special and will change your thinking about the word "Justice".
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