Sunday, October 29, 2006

Paul Thompson's Definitive 9/11 Timeline

For your updated reading pleasure and discerning intelligence.

Dr Griffin in Europe pleads for media to get to the bottom of 9/11

Powerful stuff. Watch the video and get a real sense of how horrible this bush administration is.

So you can't trust the US media....go to Europe for 9/11 truth

Look at this video of Dr Griffin in Copenhagen, appealing to European media in four countries to set up a citizen's jury to hear 911 scholarsfortruth evidence and start telling the world about 9/11. He makes a powerful point of using "peace dividends" money saved during peace time to work on global warming and justice issues instead of this lie called "war on terror".

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Washington Post Doesn't Answer Why No Bin Laden 9/11 Indictment

Have you ever heard anything so bizarre? FBI has no credible evidence bin Laden was responsible for 9/11? Huh? Could it possibly mean our government has mislead us? Wanna guess who I think the real boogeyman is?

Stealing the Midterms and the Power of Myth

Ever hear of Philip Zelikow? Read this, or watch 9/11: Press for Truth. You'll get to know him real well. Wonder why the 9/11 Commission never really answered any questions which remain to this day and came up with the brilliant conclusion that we needed a National Director of Intelligence because these high paid FBI and CIA and NSA types were too stupid or too pararnoid to share critical intelligence about terrorists? Please. This guy set the agenda. He was the man behind the curtain. He's an expert at perception and playing the public. So we got what Bush and Rove wanted us to get: another fucking fairy tale.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Voter Registration Lists May Foil Voters - Los Angeles Times


Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism

I'm thinking this might be an interesting movie. No law that says we have to pay income tax? WTF? The IRS has always been a suspect organization in my mind anyway. Who are they accountable to?
Olbermann - GOP Fear Mongering

In case you missed this, this is one of Keith's best commentaries. Democrats and Independents take note: Fear is not a good motivator anymore. How about trying some Hope?

Let's March in January! A Call to Action on Impeachment

NOTICE: This is one of the first calls for impeachment I have seen that actually mentions the dark secrets of 9/11. This means to me that conversations are starting up about a real investigation and accountability for this "attack". If ever there were grounds for impeachment of an entire administration, this is it. The rest is just icing on the cake.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bush's Family Profits From "No Child" Act

Tenacles from the hideous Bush family snake into everything. This technology is a crock and look at the investors and major buyers. What a scam.
I know from teaching in a rural middle school there is no money for paper, art supplies, band equipment, pencils and teachers supply hundreds of dollars a year of their own money to teach their classes. They need a big purple Cow like a hole in the head. We need to dump No Child and start addressing the major funding flaws in our education system from the inside out.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Truth about the Trust Fund-- Destroying Social Security to Destroy the Two Party System

Hartmann's book "Screwed" is must read for everyone, under 30s and baby boomers. We're all in this together. The Social Security issue will not go away and complacency is not an option. The rich must start paying their fair share, the estate tax should not be abolished (family farms have NOTHING to do with that) and corporations have to come back inside the US and pay their taxes. F* the stock market; it's not doing anything for the middle class.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Letter From Pat Tillman's Brother

Best thing we can do to honor Pat's memory is to celebrate his birthday 11/6 by doing the right thing on November 7. VOTE.

Daily Kos: ACLU Prepares Challenge to Military Commissions Act of 2006

Thank God for the ACLU. If you see any action alerts be sure to follow through and pass on to everyone you know. I still can't believe this is happening and what's worse, I can't believe people aren't going nuts and taking to the streets over this. How could this happen?!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Daily Kos: HUGE! Bush Guts Posse Comitatus, Grabs National Guard! [ACTION UPDATE]

I think we need to start making some calls and writing some letters. I also think it's about time to start disobedience actions to some of the stuff this administration's trying to do. There are more of us than them.

Ohio Lawsuit to Reinstate hundreds of thousands of Purged Democratic Voters to be Filed Fri or Monday

Hate to tell you, if this is OHIO, what do you think FLORIDA'S rolls look like?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Like the Mafia, Only Dumber

Scroll down, read the list. The long long list of Republican losers and crooks.

VoteTrustUSA - Blocking the 2006 Vote

Alright now, this is what I'm talkin' about. It's not just about the machines. In fact, I wouldn't be too nuts to suggest we're being led to panic over hackability to ignore the real suppression of the votes of minorities, elderly and the poor who don't have the "right" ID. Everybody should be signing up to watch the polls and work the polls.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Opinion: Tonyaa Weathersbee: Story: Voter ID systems erecting new barriers nationwide 10/16/06

From our own Florida Times Union. They're finally getting it. The evoting is awful but the real danger now is the suppression of the minority, poor and elderly vote. Officials now realize no one trusts the electronic machines. So how else to suppress voting but to erect barriers to voting by ridiculous ID requirements. Another agenda here? Oh yeah.

Bush Land deal in Paraguay?

This strikes me as one of those quiet little stories that takes the back seat to Foleygate, Iraq, North Korea but has all the earmarks of a sneaky, entitled family's solution to upcoming investigations. Note, it's been going on for some time, involves our military and the "turrists". If you'll recall, didn't it get reported several months ago that Bush Sr owned stock in mines in the Chaco region?

Monday, October 16, 2006

"Official" 9/11 story On Life support; The Truth is Taking Over

The official story is full of holes, assumptions and non linked references. Read David Ray Griffin's new book about the commission's omissions and distortions. I can't wait for the truth to break into the mainstream. No one, I mean no one has been held accountable for this nightmare. Finger pointing at the FAA by the commission resulted in awards! It's so insane...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Padilla Update: Bush has been Torturing American Citizens since 2002

Thanks a whole lot Senator Nelson. Way to vote YAY.

The War Prayer

Mark Twain. Mark Twain? I had never seen this story and it moved me beyond words. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Peace Activists Beware: Homeland Security May Be Reading Your E-Mail, and Passing it on to the Pentagon


Thursday, October 12, 2006

If You Are Not Afraid...

I'm on board with this article. What will it take to wake up America? We're so busy keeping our heads above water about all we can do at the end of the day is veg in front of Survivor. I feel so trapped but interestingly not afraid. I haven't been afraid since the first time I stood with a sign protesting the war and listened to the lame bullshit people scream. That's when I realized what we are seeing is a facade and the real evil underneath is self corrupting and rotting from within. We have, really, nothing to fear but fear itself. Really.
911 Fairy Tale from Hell Part 7

OK, here's the tape. Building 7 was pulled. Here's the owner. Now where's the conspiracy?

NanceGreggs's Journal: Nance Rants - A Little FAUX Advice

Yeah, it's a stretch to think that Fox's recent blunders in identifying creepy Republicans as Democrats is honest mistake making.
I also want to mention Hannity's recent radio interview of Greg Palast, author of "Armed Madhouse" and intrepid investigative report who works for BBC because he can't get published in the US. (it's that freedom of the press thing that gets in his way...)Jist of 15 second interview is merely Hannity telling Greg he's a PUTZ and then hanging up. What an asshole.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Three startling events occurred in the month of September 2006 that received little attention in the mainstream media yet have huge implications for the survival of our democracy as we’ve been brought up to believe in it.

Earlier this month, computer scientists at Princeton University acquired a Diebold Accuvote electronic voting machine and demonstrated the ability to hack the memory of the machine and install a malicious program capable of altering results, spreading itself to other linked machines and then destroying itself, leaving no trace of itself. This is disturbing enough but the fact that it was not reported in any meaningful way is a direct assault on our voting rights by the corporate mainstream media.

Let’s understand several things. States were rushed into acquiring electronic machines as an answer to the Help America Vote Act without adequate investigation or certification. Two brothers, both Republican supporters, are or have been major officers in two of the four companies producing these machines. Bob Urosevich had been president of Diebold up to mid 2004 and brother Todd is Vice President of AfterMarketing of E S & S. Given that the computer code in all electronic voting machines is secret and proprietary, it would not surprise me that code in both these companies would be similar and thus both susceptible to the Princeton hack. St Johns County uses E S & S.

Ion Sancho, Supervisor of Elections in Leon County, had the courage to invite hacker Harri Hurst to his county to attempt to invade one of the Diebold machines he was rushed into buying. Hurst was successful in minutes, in front of witnesses, to hack into the machine and alter the results of a staged election. For his courage Ion Sancho was vilified by the state of Florida and placed in the position of being shut out by voting machine companies while attempting to comply with HAVA.

Let’s also understand that electronic voting machines are mandated to fulfill the requirement that voting be accessible to disabled individuals. The only disabled individuals these machines serve are the visually impaired by providing audio choices and Braille buttons. It’s hard to imagine with the ingenuity in our country that current touchscreens, which the visually impaired can’t even see, is the only solution. It’s hard not to imagine that another agenda was at work in pushing these machines on voters in the first place.

Secondly, on September 13, the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU, held a press briefing at the National Press Club. The presentation was titled “Cast Out” Voter Suppression in 2006 and outlined methods by which our votes have been and could continue to be suppressed all over this country. The research was exact and exhaustive, citing reports from state officials, Civil Rights Commissions, the NAACP and others and compiling statistics from census data and precinct reporting.

The presentation discusses the problems of statewide databases that were mandated by January 2006 that use different official databases to make “matches” in individual records, like social security numbers, driver’s licenses, felon convictions and death records to verify voters.
Remembering the felon purge of 2000 in Florida, a sloppy, quick bid giveaway to Choicepoint, notorious for losing individuals’ privacy records, points are made that even with the best of intentions and care, many mistakes are made in creating large databases, causing some records not to “match” and throwing eligible voters off the rolls. In some states protocols are in place to notify the voter, in others, not so much. The voter will only realize this when arriving at the polls to vote, too late to do anything but vote a “provisional” ballot. There is no guarantee that a provisional ballot will even be counted.

The presentation goes on to discuss in general terms the lack of security of electronic voting. When voters distrust a technology, they will not use it. In St Johns County, only touchscreen voting was available for early voting. How many people did not vote early and then subsequently were not able to vote on election day for various reasons? This is voter suppression in a subtle but real way.

Finally, on September 20, the House voted along party lines to pass HR 4844, the Federal Election Integrity Act, a bill proposed back in MARCH by Rep Henry Hyde, to require official photo ID at the polls by 2008 nationwide and proof of citizenship at the polls by 2010. This bill was rushed to the floor for a vote to take advantage of the illegal immigration hysteria about voter fraud. Currently the only form in the US that meets the 2010 requirement is a US passport, available for $97.00 and requiring a birth certificate. Millions would be disenfranchised by this law: Katrina and Rita victims, displaced and lacking documents, the poor, elderly citizens, native Americans, and people not born in hospitals. The Brennan Center study and others have exposed that the frequency of voter “fraud” equates to about 0.0009%, about the likelihood of an American being struck by lightning.

A Georgia judge just struck down the photo ID requirement with the words: “This cannot be”.

States across the country are now scrambling to head off the electronic train wreck that will be the mid term elections. Governor Erlich in Maryland is talking about paper ballots. In Florida, recounts have become next to impossible as in 2005, a law was passed prohibiting the manual counting of ballots if they have been already counted by machine. Guess Florida won’t have to worry about being a laughingstock on recounts since they just outlawed them. How did we miss that one?

Make sure you are on the voter rolls in your county. For St Johns: 904.823.2238. If there is a problem, fix it before the books close on October 10.
Use the optiscan to vote if you can. If you are visually impaired, you can have a family member or friend help; just not your boss or union rep.
Report intimidation, challenges based on caging lists or racial profiling, ANY impediments to entering the polls. There is a website: Election Incident Reporting Center to enter reports.
MAKE NOISE. Write letters, articles and emails to your senators and representatives about these issues.
Be a pollworker or pollwatcher.
Find out what form HR4844 will take in the US senate and make sure your views are known to your senators.

"It behooves our citizens to be on their guard, to be firm in their principles, and full of confidence in themselves. We are able to preserve our self-government if we will but think so." --Thomas Jefferson, 1800

NanceGreggs's Journal: Nance Rants - APT ANALOGIES

Man I wish I could write like Nancy Greggs.....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Welcome to Washington Spectator Online

Mark Crispin Miller lays out just about everything that can go wrong in 06. That's why we need to turn out the biggest vote yet so this election will be harder to spin.

Thom Hartmann; Lying to the People

go Thom! Great comparisons here: fascism and our current "government".

The Crisis Papers on DU - The Dark Night Descends

Dark night indeed. I wonder what would happen if the average american resisted? Remember King? Remember Gandhi? There are way more of us than them. Resist, disobey, ignore. Pretty much all we have left.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

NanceGreggs's Journal: Nance Rants - The Five Stages of (GOP) Death


Monday, October 02, 2006

HELP AMERICA VOTE...ON PAPER - a citizen call for election integrity

An empowering, fast-moving 18-minute briefing on the dangers to democracy posed by privately owned electronic voting machines, what patriotic citizens, activists and officials of all parties are doing about it - and how you can help.

Includes dramatic documentary footage and interviews with Dolores Huerta, election lawyers Lowell Finley and John Eichorst, and Congresswomen Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, Lynn Woolsey and Cynthia McKinney. Produced by EON - the Ecological Options Network in cooperation with and Mainstreet Moms -