Friday, January 12, 2007

Just Like with Torture, Cheney's Got His Teeth Sunk into Iran

This article is pretty long but has a lot of background information that I think has been lost in the media in numerous reports. Here, it's all put together with a timeline feel and you really get the idea war with Iran was the idea all along.
In any event, if Americans don't take to the streets in huge numbers, since obviously calling and writing representatives has little effect, we could be facing an endless scary war. I just finished watching "Sir, no Sir!". It wasn't just the hippies in the streets; there were hundreds of anti war vet groups protesting and publishing anti war papers. They went to jail to protest the horrors they saw in Vietnam. Have we become so enured to horror via media that we don't feel anymore what they felt 40 years ago? Conveniently we see nothing on TV of the true costs of this war. Seen any footage of wounded young soldiers lately? Of course, no casket photos or videos of funerals. Sometimes I feel like a rat in an experiment and I hate it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Kucinich Plan For Iraq

Looks like a plan to me. Follow it to the end, see the logical progression and then come to the realization that the delusional idiot in the White House would never implement it.

Friday, January 05, 2007


OMG, if this actually goes somewhere it could solve the whole problem of "impeachment being bad for the nation" yet still hold bush and co accountable to the International Criminal Court. Lord knows there's lots to work with there.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

SOS...The Dems are ruining EVERYTHING

OK, I know I've posted once but you know by now I can't resisting linking to Nance Greggs. This is funny and inspiring at the same time.


This is a long post but definitely worth the read. I remember how well this worked with the advertisers on Clear Channel Stations when they were planning on airing the Swift Boat movie of Kerry before the election. Guess what? Millions took the time to write letters to local businesses advertising on the stations and the movie never ran as planned. Money talks when money walks. I'm sure you've been outraged by things that have been shrieked over the airways. Why not jot a few down, day and time, don't bother with audio links due to the copyright stuff (plus it's too damn much to ask) and drop a line to some of the advertisers on the show? Possiblity is, we could actually minimize these hate mongers, bring civility back to the public, again, PUBLIC, airwaves and start acting like adults.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Amazing transcript of 1992 interview with Saddam Hussein that never, of course, aired in the US. Yeah he was brutal and cruel but he was also set up and trying to convey that to the world, I think, in this interview. More crushing still is the video that followed when Mr Alpert visited the children's hospital in Baghdad.

Monday, January 01, 2007

What a year. Nance Gregg's summary and it ain't pretty

Some parts you laugh then read it again and say OMG did I really laugh at that? I guess it shows how low our standards have fallen to actually try to find humor in the tragedy that is George W Bush.