Saturday, December 30, 2006

What a story!!

Read the Black Bull Died today. The allegory is astounding and brings to mind the inaction of some during the Nazi horrors. What will you do? Stand together or bow your head and acquiese to evil? Like the author, I've made up my mind.

Damn if he didn't do it again. Bush gets off scott free and so does his old man

Here's the real story about why Saddam hanged so quickly and secretively. Bush went to bed and finally slept like a baby knowing the one human on this planet who could have told all about Bush Sr, his cronies and W was dead. And let's not forget, with the unending funeral and canonization of yet another loser president we won't be worrying too much about those repercussions of the hanging. I hate being taken for being that stupid. I wonder what the chances are of overturning the secrecy restrictions W put on his and his father's papers IN PERPETUITY no less. Gotta be a way. Justice and truth demand it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

OMG, I want to know how to do this

You think you're being watched? Activist for peace? Global warming? Safe food? Animals? Your government probably has someone checking you out online. Good to know.


I've been reading McChesney's the Problem with the Media. When you know the history of government regulation of media and see all the gradual permutations towards corporate policy making, it makes you realize how huge percentages of the population believe in a "Liberal media bias", Iraq having something to do with 9/11, the economy doing well, there is no global warming and whatever happened to the rest of Abramoff's buddies? More and more we need to turn to the internet, independent reporting and international reporting to know what's really going on. Not hard to set up your book marks guys.

Now here's a different look at impeachment....

John Dean's been writing about the crimes of the Bush administration for years now. He makes a good point about the problem of the Senate in any impeachment action towards Bush and Cheney but brings up intriguing scenarios for impeachment of Bush administration high level officials. I believe America must hold the architects of this Iraq occupation accountable and committee investigations are sure to turn up numerous crimes committed by this administration. See what you think.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

HA! Freedom of the Press, courtesy of the Bush administration

Read the excerpts from the article. Clearly, the Bush administration blew this one big time. There are no national security issues here, only acute embarassment and a desperate move to cover up yet more incompetence. Good God, when will this end?

The best argument for impeachment yet.

Lapham lays it all out in a patriotic, historically analogous way that leaves the American people no choice but to impeach. None. Nada.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Who the hell didn't see this one coming?!!!

Habeas corpus, RIP. Don't really expect the SCOTUS to reverse do we? Thanks Senator Nelson and all your weak ass Dem cronies. I talked to your aide. They told me the calls were overwhelming against this act. You voted for it. What were you thinking?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Nance Greggs. I need say no more.

Monday, December 11, 2006


John Kerry is a decorated war hero.

Jimmy Carter worked miracles in the mid East peace talks.

Al Gore, veteran, well read, curious and out in front on environmental issues, would have us well on the way to energy independence and the fight on global warming.

Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have acheived the highest elected positions in our government for women, ever.

John Edwards is a man of character who fought for the little guy as a lawyer.

Then duck when the turkey and ham start to fly.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

How I know Bush is in Trouble: Booman nails it

His post brings to mind one of the reasons the Dems may be holding back from impeachment discussions: The repubs can't handle any more of his stupid decisions about Iraq. It's hurting them too much and subsequently big business. The new Congress will be interesting indeed.

Friday, December 08, 2006


This is a short and simple vid about what it really means to be poor in America. I hope this link works. As far as St Augustine is concerned, we've got trouble brewing with the local government wanting to quickly pass an ordinance against panhandling. As the attached letter shows, it's way more than a pan handling issue and this just takes the emphasis off the real picture.

I, Sumner, wish to apologize in advance for the length of this letter. It will discuss in detail the moral and ethical consequences of an ordinance the city commission will vote on this Monday night. Many of you may not see what the big deal is. Hopefully, through this small statement I can impress upon you the magnitude of this upcoming decision that affects all of us (unfortunately, specifically the homeless).
A couple of days ago there was a front page article about the new mayor, Joe Boles, being sworn in. Of the two most important things he wanted to get done right away, one was to establish no panhandling zones throughout the city. Imagine you are just elected the new mayor of your hometown. There are so many things to do, to think about, to research, to consider. Mr. Boles decided to pass a law detrimental to veterans (account for approx. 30% of all homeless), minorities (56% of homeless vets), mentally ill (see Food Not Bombs, The Homeless Coalition, St. Francis House, and police staff), elderly (speak with St. Francis staff), physically ill (65% of SJC homeless indicated immediate physical health problems but 61% said they hadn't received medical care in over a year - 80% indicated serious dental problems, 47% indicated they needed glasses), and, in case Mr. Boles forgot, these are people without homes. That's the first thing you want to do! To pass ordinances against the poorest of the poor?!
So I called and emailed every commissioner to setup a meeting since this ordinance has had NO public input. Many complaints were reported on the issue but the city has not proposed how to address the "problem" to the public. Mr. Crichlow got back to me first and you can read his email at the bottom. Mr. Boles finally called me back and "talked" to me (he talked for about 18 of the 20 minutes we were on the phone). I requested Mr. Boles meet with myself and a small group of FNB volunteers and supporters. Three times I requested a meeting since I was at work and could not discuss such a big issue in one little phone call. Guess what, no meeting date.
The mayor will be telling everyone Monday that the homeless and panhandling issue is completely seperate. He has no research to back this up. Why not work on getting a new shelter and more services for the homeless/poor in this county FIRST before proceeding to take away citizens' rights? "Because all of that will take time, this is something we can do now". What this will do now is take away the attention to the homeless people of the county. They've dragged their feet on getting a proper shelter for years and by sweeping the homeless out of downtown, they will further postpone the most viable long term solutions. FNB exist to raise awareness and after three years of selfless servings that has finally occurred. Now, instead of truly doing something about it, the city will go backwards. Will all the efforts by homeless advocates in this city be in vain? Will all the meals provided and volunteer hours donated actually harm the homeless by simply showing that they exist?
This has bothered me intensely the past couple of weeks for many other reasons. Before I delve into those it should be noted that I have spoken with the police chief who said "this is not a police problem, it is a social problem. And I believe an education problem. What people don't realize is that we can't just move the homeless onto another county because this is going on all over the state." When I spoke to assistant attorney Mrs. Upchurch, she said that now is the time to get this done - its in the public's eye, there is an overwhelming lack of services, and we have new county commissioners to work with. She spoke of setting up roundtables, contacting other cities, etc. The city commission will be going specifically against these two staff memeber's statements by trying to sell the public that homeless and panhandlers are different people. True, not all homeless people panhandle (a fancy term for beg) and not all beggars are truly homeless but even mentally ill people can realize when they are hungry and without shelter and ask the most basic of things to another human being: can you help me?
Maybe all the re-enactor events this city holds should be sure there are no beggar re-enactors - lets just rewrite history since this ordinance will take away the simplest form of living that has existed since civilizations began (hope no Buddhist monks want to move to town). Maybe the government will quit saying prayers at their city meetings as we need to keep religion (specifically christianity since many politicians and business owners claim to be a christian) and politics serverly seperate because Jesus would never establish "no begging zones". He would reach out to those people. Anyone who has read one verse of the New Testament cannot dispute Jesus' dealings with the poor.
And perhaps the most disturbing argument I've heard to pass more laws, to increase gov't once again is: "some of those people down there (St. George St. area) are young and healthy kids that can work". This, to me, really gets to the heart of the matter. The powerful and rich disagree with a lifestyle. They are unable to comprehend that some people want nothing to do with our current society. Some people do not want to pay taxes for too numerous reasons to name (war, of course, a big one). Some people will suffer severe mental problems (see half the population on some form of meds) if they integrate themselves into our society so they drop out. Why would any of you reading this want to live in a society where you cannot sit on a sidewalk and hold a sign if you choose? It is different if you want a home and an SUV and video games, etc. but have had some bad luck or some addictions and are reduced to begging. To the mayor, those people are fine because they want to be like "us" one day. But if you choose to live differently than the owners of shops and B&Bs or politicians then you need to step in line. Or at the very least get far enough out of the downtown so that tourist don't have to be exposed to this type of thinking.
The no begging zone reminded me immediately of the "no protest zone" that are popular at major protest nowadays. The idea of a "free speech" ZONE is an oxymoron. Please take a second to imagine a task you do every day - like, say, walk your dog. Now imagine the commissioners pass an ordinance taking that right away - you have to keep your dog inside. And now further imagine this being something that your life depended on and being forced to quit doing it. Imagine being a St. Francis worker who recently went to talk to some business owners and dispel myths about the homeless. Imagine being told that they wanted 'Jeanie' gone - they didn't care how, just get her out of here. Doesn't matter if she has mental problems, just remove her!
I could go on and on but I appreciate those that have read this far (this is Sumner Gray - I am sure Kris agrees with some things I have said but just want you all to know these are my words and not necessarily what Loose Screws or Kris' opinions are). The meeting is this Monday at 5 or 5:30pm when the public can have their crappy three minutes to discuss such large issues. I encourage everyone to email or call 825-1005 to voice your opinions. People have begged for centuries in St. Augustine, what is the rush now to pass an ordinance? Why not work on the shelter and services first? Crichlow's email follows - it shows how this is a done deal (I point blank asked Boles and he came right out and said he was hoping it would be). This is two "yes" votes already. Other contact info:
Joe Boles 824-4278, George Gardner 825-3648, Susan Burk 829-1960, Don Crichlow 824-5785, Errol Jones 819-7589
Mr. Gray, I am not sure if there is time to get together between now and the Monday meeting. I will be out of town most of tomorrow and Friday. If you plan on attending the meeting on Monday evening you will have the opportunity to make comments to the commission during the citizen comment period either at the beginning or end of the meeting. I personally support the proposal to restrict downtown panhandlers to one location. I have had more complaints one this one subject than any other issue in my four years on the commission. Something has to be done. The panhandler ordinance under consideration is being proposed by our city attorney who has researched this particular ordiance and assures us that it has passed legal challenges in other cities. I plan to also ask for additional funds for the police department to enforce the ordinance after it is passed. Concerning your activity of feeding the homeless in the park, I would respectfully ask that you work with city staff to relocate this activity to another location as the Salvation Army was willing to do. The city plaza is a showcase for our tourists and not the proper place for this type of activity. I look forward to hearing your comments next Monday. Don Crichlow City Commissioner ---- I again asked Crichlow for a meeting and asked if had met with anyone from any homeless group. He said we could meet later (after the meeting) and no, he hadn't met with any group on the matter.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I will never let this go until someone proves to me, TO ME, how the official theory answers the questions posed herein. No wonder this administration hates science; science disproves everything damn thing they claim. Ask questions, talk about it, do research. Watch 9/11 Press for Truth, Terrorstorm, Loose Change. Read David Ray Griffin 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and whatever...Most of all, talk about it.

Meet Dick Cheney, evil personified.

Lest we forget how evilly cyclical the whole system is, let's revisit the illustrious career of the real power behind the "throne".

Monday, December 04, 2006

House of Death: A long but amazing story about ICE, DEA, DoJ and the bogus war on drugs.

Take the time to read thru this. It gives you another perspective on US prisons, the waron drugs and the old boy network of good ole Texas. Loved the connection between the Cheney shooting and the DA.

More signs that Bush is mad, completely insane

When this kind of stuff starts moving from web speculation to the pages of the New York LTimes, it's time to consider what would be an effective way to deal with this American problem. Iraq, stem cell, spying, diversions all. The fact of the matter is we have a pResident who is nuts and before we can realize answers to all our other problems, we, the American people, have to deal with him.