Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dying to Go on Vacation - The Smirking Chimp

OK, if this doesn't get Americans' blood boiling, we have truly become a country of zombies. Wonder what Bush's summer plans are?

The Raw Story | Protesters demand impeachment as President Bush speaks at Miami-Dade College

St Augustine held a supporting protest in conjunction with hundreds across the nation. We were on the A28 website listing. Terry, Peg and others deserve our thanks for showing up and pulling this off. It's great to see St Augustine on the map, taking a stand against this joke of an administration. Well done. I'll be happy to post pictures.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

NanceGreggs's Journal: Nance Rants - Tell Laura I Love Her

Absolutely one of Nancy's best. When I saw stepford wife Bush say those things I could've puked. What absolute arrogance. How detached and cruel. Just like her mother in law's statement about the Katrina refugees and "how well things are working for them", homeless, separated, poor, scared. These elitists are clueless, and their lack of compassion and empathy is disgusting.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Elizabeth de la Vega | The Problem With Alberto

Sunday, April 22, 2007

NanceGreggs's Journal: Nance Rants - He's YOUR President (and you're welcome to him)

The girl is back!

Friday, April 20, 2007

How Hard Is It?

How Hard Is It?

I haven't posted in a long while. I had to get this off my chest today.

I got to watch a good part of the Gonzales testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. I've been inundated unwillingly with details of the VaTech shootings. I've tracked the investigation into Florida's 13th Congressional district election investigation. I'm working to get local citizens involved in a homeless solution. I'm up to date with the latest investigations into 9/11 truth.

I'm wondering: Why is it so hard to do the right thing in this country? I am so tired of knee jerk reactions to events. Within 24 hours of 9/11, the official story was bin Laden. We've never deviated from that. Evidence strongly points to White House involvement in attorneys general firings and we barely take note. Does anyone care in the rest of the nation that 18,000 votes were missing from Florida's 13th district in the hotly contested congressional race? You certainly don't see or hear about it in the national media. These are huge, HUGE, stories among others that DO affect our lives.

I work part time, volunteer, take care of a house and try to have time for myself. I'm really busy. I know a lot of people who are way busier than me. Assimiliating everything that is happening to our country is time consuming, scary and overwhelming. But I keep wondering, back when this country was born, imagine how busy people were. There were no amenities like we have today, distances took forever to travel and there was no IM, phones, TV, Internet. And look what they got done. I think this is because people were capable of critical thinking and took the time to understand the issues. They had passion and courage. They stood for their beliefs and raised their kids to do the same.

We could do this. We could love our country enough to face its mistakes, correct them and grow from the experience. We could stand up against the military industrial corporate complex and not lose our way of life, if we believe in ourselves and our power, not the fear mongering of the last 6 years. If we do not rise up and get rid of these clowns, ALL the clowns and criminals, not just the Republicans, and install leaders who are not afraid to speak truth to power and run this country the way the founders intended, we deserve our humble, desperate lives.

How hard is it?

Not hard. Start talking. Even to the ranters who spout the talking points. Keep talking, to everybody you know. The cracks are appearing in the 9/11 story. The official line is starting to crumble like the towers. Look, nothing about the attack makes sense. It couldn't have happened the way "they" said. 9/11 is the key. Get to the truth of that day and we will know exactly what we need to fix. It's not hard. We have lots of tools they didn't have 300 years ago. Start talking.